Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Love and Redemption: A Movie Review of "Beyond the Mask"

To what lengths would we go to receive love and be redeemed from a terrible lifestyle? For believers, the answer is that we trusted in Christ and repented. In the film Beyond the Mask, an ex-assassin falls in love and learns that he must turn to God to redeem himself from his former life of murder and deception.
The Christian-themed movie did well, considering its relatively small budget of $4 million. It reached over one hundred theaters across America. The film stars Andrew Cheney as ex-assassin William Reynolds, Kara Killmer as Charlotte Holloway, and John Rhys-Davies as Charles Kemp.

   William Reynolds is an expert assassin for the British East India Company in the 1770s. Whenever something is not going according to plan, William is called in to eliminate some "obstacles." However, he is ready to be done with his job. Charles Kemp, an EIC official, regrets that he will lose William's services, but he understands. Well, not really. Because William has witnessed too many secrets, Charles has an explosive planted on William's carriage. Yet young Reynolds manages to escape without being detected.
   After the escape, William pretends to be the local pastor for a small town. Over time, he accepts this as his new life and during his hiding, he meets a beautiful young woman named Charlotte. The two fall in love and draw closer to marriage. But Charlotte is not quite ready for matrimony, as she is unsure of William's relationship with Christ. 
  *SPOILER* One day, Charlotte wishes to introduce William to her beloved uncle, but there is one slight problem: her dear uncle is Charles Kemp. *SPOILER ENDS* Suddenly, the chase is back on and William must flee for his life...again!
   William knows that Charlotte and her uncle are on their way to America. He decides to go there and change his life, in hopes that Charlotte will accept him as a suitable husband.
   Once he arrives in the New World, he travels to Philadelphia where he meets a printer named Benjamin Franklin, and begins working for him. While not working, though, he does good deeds against the tyranny of the British soldiers. His acts gain him the nickname of "the Highwayman."
   Eventually, William uncovers a secret plot of Kemp's to destroy Philadelphia. He must figure out a way to stop Charles Kemp before time runs out!

   While I would not necessarily say this movie deserved a PG-13 rating, I would warn parents of young children concerning the violent content. Two assassins murder British soldiers. There are also swordfights and fistfights, some of which result in blood. Several deaths occur during these fights as well. A man is electrocuted, though this isn't as realistic as it could have been. A man orders soldiers to kill a woman, though they fail. 
   There is no language in the film. The closest it gets is an "Oh, heavens!"
   This film gives a respectful view of love, while showing two kisses between the main characters. Beyond the Mask's take on romance is refreshing in today's sexually-driven culture. Rather than "trust her emotions" and jump headlong into marriage with William, Charlotte uses wisdom in waiting until she is absolutely sure.
   Continuing the thoughts above, Charlotte tells William that it is not her favor he needs, but God's. She tells him that he can only redeem himself from his past actions through Jesus Christ. The filmmakers were able to expertly impart basic truths of the gospel while making it fit nicely into the story. Kudos to them for accomplishing this!
   I really must say that in terms of quality, Beyond the Mask is the best Christian film I've seen. No, it is not like Courageous or Facing the Giants in the sense that characters quote Scripture or preach often. But it provides solid Christian lessons, all the same. The story, music, and acting were stupendous! Christian films are often categorized as low budget, which is true. But Beyond the Mask has accomplished things that I don't believe have been accomplished by any other faith-based films before.
   While there are some scenes that parents will want to take caution with when young children are present, this is a wonderful family adventure film, complete with swashbuckling swordfights and passionate romance. 

Length: 103 minutes
Rating: PG (for action, violence and some thematic elements)
Director: Chad Burns
Producer: Aaron Burns
Music: Jurgen Beck
Year of release: 2015
Primary audience: Pre-teens, teens, adults