Thursday, July 11, 2013

Twisting a Tale: A Movie Review on Tarsem Singh's "Mirror Mirror"

We all know the story of Snow White. The gentle princess has an evil stepmother who sneakily feeds her a poison apple and only the prince can wake her. Actually, just so you know, that story is incorrect!  2012's  Mirror Mirror changed the tale of Snow White and turned it upside down. Unlike ABC's Once Upon a Time show, Mirror Mirror does not really follow the same storyline of the original fairy tale. Sure, they have the same characters, but the events are turned around.
This film received an Academy Award nomination for Best Costume Design, but I would have nominated it for Best Actress with Julia Roberts. The film starred Lily Collins as Snow White, Julia Roberts as the evil Queen/Stepmother, and Armie Hammer as Prince Alcott.
   After the queen's death in childbirth to Snow White, her husband later realized his daughter needed a mother to raise her. So, he remarried. Sadly, he had to leave the palace to go fight a dark danger...and was never heard from again.
   Years went by and Snow White grew up in the shadow of the vain and wicked Queen, her stepmother. On her eighteenth birthday, she is convinced to go and visit the once-joyous village. She witnesses the Queen stealing from the people under the guise of guarding them from the "Beast." She is saddened by this and decides that the Queen is not fit to rule.
   A young prince comes to visit the Queen, and Snow White decides she must get him to help the trapped nation. Later, though, after escaping from the Queen, Snow meets seven dwarves who she convinces to help her fighting against the evil Queen.
   The movie ends with a happily ever after, as good triumphs over evil.
   There is little violence in Mirror Mirror. You never see any blood or gore, since the most violence is people being knocked down. There is one minor scene, though, where the Queen's servant uses meat as Snow's organs.
   The movie is not as inappropriate as some films, but there are a few scenes to mention. There are at least two or three kisses between Snow and the Prince. There is another scene when the Queen is getting a "makeover" for her extravagant ball and her stomach is shown. Also, there is a part where the Prince has been given a magic potion and he jumps on top of the Queen. One last thing to mention is that the Prince is referred to as "semi-nude" (meaning "shirtless").
   I recall nothing in the area of language. I believe there might have been one use of God's name, but I don't remember anything else. There is a part, though, when the King officiates a wedding and says, "By the power vested in me..." This statement takes the place of God. Another thing that bothered me is that Snow White saves the Prince, not the other way around. There's nothing like a storyline where the handsome prince comes riding in to save the damsel in distress. Instead, the strong princess saves the weak prince.
   The film is a comedy and will make you laugh. I think, though, without Julia Roberts, the movie might not have done nearly as well. Most of the characters have something funny to say at one point or more in the movie.
   Mirror Mirror is a decent movie, and it delivers some laughs. It is not mind-blowing, and most people probably won't treat it as such. I enjoyed it the first couple of times, but after that, I can't watch it more than once in a while.
Length: 106 minutes
Rating: PG (for some fantasy action and mild rude humor) 
Director: Tarsem Singh
Producers: Ryan Kavanaugh, Bernie Goldmann, Brett Ratner, Kevin Misher
Music: Alan Menken
Year of release: 2012
Primary audience: Children, Family

1 comment:

  1. I Love Mirror, Mirror. It does sort of get boring when you watch 2 or 3 times in the same month.
