Sunday, November 17, 2013

Earth's 'Fightiest' Heroes: A Movie Review of Joss Whedon's " Marvel's The Avengers"

What will happen when six superheroes team together? They will save humanity, right? Wrong! First, they need to clear their differences and stop fighting each other before they can start fighting evil alien soldiers.
The Avengers was, by far, one of the highest-anticipated superhero films ever. In fact, several individual superhero films were made in building up to it (i.e. Captain America: The First Avenger, Thor, Iron Man). It received countless good reviews, as well as becoming the third highest-grossing film worldwide. The movie stars Samuel L. Jackson (as secret agency director Nick Fury) and Tom Hiddleston (as villain Loki). The main superheroes are played by Robert Downey, Jr. (Iron Man), Chris Evans (Capt. America), Mark Ruffalo (The Hulk/Dr. Banner), and Chris Hemsworth (Thor).

   In a top secret facility, scientists in the agency S.H.I.E.L.D. work on an extra-terrestrial cube. It has the power to open portals into other worlds...and that is just what it does. The evil villain Loki of Asgard comes into our world, bent on domination and destruction.
   He takes control of the minds of many S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, then escapes with the "cosmic cube." Meanwhile, the rest of the agents must escape before the area blows up. Already has a fast-paced start, huh?
   We find out that S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury has been trying to assemble a team of superheroes to defend the world from extra-terrestrial threats. His candidates are of a wide-variety: the scientific Tony Stark (Iron Man), the super soldier Steve Rogers (Captain America), the brilliant Bruce Banner (The Hulk), and the "god" Thor. 
   While he does finally get them all together, they all begin bickering and arguing. They are fighting each other, not Loki. But they are forced into action when Loki makes his strike in Germany, where he is captured.
   The remainder of the film holds many surprises, but I will not spoil them. Let's just say it includes a portal into space that transports an army of alien soldiers, led by Loki. The Avengers must learn to work with each other's differences to protect their world.

   The violence is rather intense. People are shot, stabbed, and more (the creators of the movie have no fear of displaying at least some amounts of blood). There is one scene where Loki uses a weapon to "carve" a man's eye out, so as to gain entrance into a secure area (this is bloodless, but creepy and gruesome). With explosions, goblin-like aliens, and more, this is not a movie for young children.
    Earlier in the movie, the agent "Black Widow" is tied to a chair and is being interrogated. She is wearing a tank-top, and she performs acrobatic stunts. While this scene is not the worst that could have been shown, Black Widow is not very modest. Also she and agent "Hawkeye" have some sort of relationship, but there is absolutely nothing sexual (I don't even recall a single kiss between them). On the other hand, Tony Stark/Iron Man has at least two kisses with his girlfriend Pepper Potts, and it is implied that they are living together. 
   The language, while not completely overbearing, is certainly an issue to consider. At least a few uses of d***, G**, and h***. There is also one use of SOB. 
   In one scene, Tony Stark drinks some sort of alcohol, though it is not clearly stated. 
   There are good lessons in The Avengers concerning working together and defending America's freedom. There is one excellent scene where Loki orders a large crowd to bow to him. Everyone does, but an elderly man stands out of a wheel-chair. He says, "I don't bow to men like you." Loki smiles and replies, "There are no men like me." The man angers Loki by saying, "There are always men like you." This film is strong in showing that humans will fight for freedom and should never willingly come under the dominion of a tyrant.
   This is no film for young elementary-aged children. Some pre-teens might be able to handle the violence, though this is, of course, up to the parents. The Avengers is a wonderful superhero movie, complete with action, humor, and some romance (a little something for all tastes); teens and adults will likely enjoy this movie the most. 

Length: 142 minutes
Rating: PG-13 (for intense sequences of sci-fi violence and action throughout, and a mild drug reference)
Director: Joss Whedon
Producer: Kevin Feige
Music: Alan Silvestri
Year of release: 2012
Primary audience: Teens, adults

(The Avengers are nick-named "Earth's Mightiest Heroes." Thus, the title of this review includes "Fightiest" to signify their bickering before they work together.)

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